Learning Opportunities
Digital Media
Project-based with the student developing a project(s) that they are interested in or passionate about. Jobs can also be taken from the Gig Board and students can interact with a customer. Some areas of Media that could be explored are digital imagery, video creation, podcasting, vodcasting, animation, etc.
Students will be given a unique opportunity to compete in the FIRST Robotics Competitions (FRC) with our high school team. Students will be able to focus on a workflow that needs to be completed to be ready for after school meetups. Students will also learn the basics of video capture and editing, building social media campaigns, and creating logo wear to help in promoting our school team. Students unable to fit Robotics into their schedule are free to participate through an Independent Study.
Maple Syruping
Students develop, design and make maple syrup.
Media Group
Student-created focus area where they will build a media group which will allow for the development of video, audio (podcasts), digital news platforms to allow students to have a voice while developing interviewing, producing, editing, entrepreneurship and other skills. Students unable to fit the Media Group into their schedule are free to participate through an Independent Study.
Open Project Time
Learners will be given the opportunity to do independent studies using the Project Proposal Document as a guide and for check-ins with a collaborator. This time would be great for students needing more support on project development. Independent Studies do not need to be assigned specifically to the time but can be included in this time slot.